1.Who has to take the pledge for paying the fee?
Users who have made a sale by posting a free ad on dubizzle and the ad was also not featured on dubizzle.
2.How do I know whether the sale was made through dubizzle?
The seller has to ask the buyer when they receive the call whether they saw the Ad on dubizzle.
3. How do I calculate the Fee?
Fee is 1% of the sale/rent value sold through the free ad on dubizzle. If the total fee value (within a week) is less than OMR 3, it can be donated to a government verified social welfare organization.
4. The fee is applicable to all sales made through a single dubizzle Ad?
Yes, if multiple sales are made through the same dubizzle Ad, then fees have to be made for each sale made.
5. How do I pay the fees?
When you mark an ad as sold, the screen will lead to self service channel where you can pay
6.What to do if the fee value is less than OMR 3 ?
You can donate it on behalf of dubizzle Bahrain to a government verified social welfare organization.
7. Is the fee to be paid by the seller or the buyer?
It is the seller’s responsibility to pay the fee.
8. Can I combine the fee payments to dubizzle on a weekly basis?
Yes, fee payments of the week can be combined and paid together if the number of sales is high.If total fees for the week is below OMR 3 , then it can be donated to a government verified social welfare organization.
9.Can I get a waiver or discount on the fee?
There is no waiver or discounts on the fee.
10.What if I don't want to pay the fee?
Users who feature their ad or have a paid ad listing don't have to pay the fee. To bypass the fee the user has to feature their free ad.
11. What if I feature the ad after pledging the fee?
Any sale made while the free ad was not featured will have the fee applicable. If a sale is made after the ad was featured, then fee will not be applicable.